Castlebet has pledged a K150,000 sponsorship for the upcoming bout between David ‘Sniper’ Mwale and Beninese boxer, Kuasi Martin Klaklevi. The much-anticipated fight is set to take place at the Government Complex on August 17, 2024. Speaking at a media briefing yesterday, Castlebet Marketing Manager Margaret Kambikambi expressed the company’s commitment to enhancing the sports scene in Zambia. “It is an honour to stand before you today and announce Castlebet’s continued support for Zambian boxing. This partnership goes beyond sponsorship; it reflects our dedication to the development of sports in Zambia. Our support extends across various sports, not just boxing, for this event, we are contributing K150,000 in both cash and material support,” said Kambikambi. Oriental Quarries Boxing Promotion (OQBP)…
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