SECRETARY to Treasury Felix Nkulukusa says the Anti-Corruption Commission instructed him not to make any payments on the debt owed to Mikalile Trading Company, until some investigations are concluded. And Nkulukusa says he has gotten threats of being sued, but government must do the right thing. The Auditor General’s report on Zambia’s external debt stock for the financial years ended December 31, 2006 to 2022 revealed that on October 27, 2017, the Ministry of Education signed a contract with Mikalile Trading Company worth US$401,838,720 for the supply and installation of school materials and equipment. However, it was observed that the contract was overpriced by US$59,823,026.16. The report stated that Mikalile Trading Company supplied desktops and laptops valued at US$45 million…
Is the UPND on the right track in fighting corruption?
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